With the District experiencing two major flood events in the last decade, anticipated increases in weather extremes, and increased urbanization, the need for flood mitigation structures within the Papio NRD is more important than ever. Nebraska legislators agreed.
Following the Flood of 2019, Governor Ricketts signed LB 177 into law, extending the Papio NRD’s bonding authority for five years for flood control projects.
This enables the Papio NRD to complete the Missouri River Levee project that protects Offutt Air Force Base and Omaha’s Wastewater Treatment Plant after 2019’s historic and destructive floods, as well as build six priority reservoirs throughout the Omaha metro area to provide needed flood mitigation.
Papillion Waste Water Treatment Plant
New Flood Mitigation Projects
(Between 114th & 120th Streets and Cornhusker Rd.)
(108th and Lincoln Rd.)

Both projects will have recreational amenities, including trails, kayak/canoe launches, picnic shelters, and fishery enhancements and are slated to be completed September 2020.
5-year plan
In 2019 the Papio NRD and the PAPILLION CREEK WATERSHED PARTNERSHIP developed an Implementation Plan for 2019-2024. It prioritizes projects in the Papillion Creek Watershed Management Plan for a 5-year period.
Projects selected are based on projected development trends, available funding, and community future needs. The Partners also consider changes to policies and regulations that help keep buildings, homes, and infrastructure out of harm’s way.
Over the next 5 years the Papio NRD plans to complete 3 flood control reservoirs:
(180th St. and Fort St.)
(180th St. and Giles Rd.)
(204th St. and Schram Rd.)
Every reservoir will have recreational amenities, including trails, kayak/canoe launches, picnic shelters, and fishery enhancements!
The Papio NRD is currently collaborating with the United States Army Corps of Engineers on a REEVALUATION STUDY of the Papillion Creek and Tributaries Lakes to reduce flood and life safety risks in the Papillion Creek Basin which have increased due to rapid land development.